Brave Achilles

von den Allgäuer Bergspitzen

born 27.08.2005

Mother: We-Sedso Dana / Father: Daitan Majo no koya  (Our B-Wurf)

Patellafree (0/0)

Jugendsieger Schweizerische Clubschau in Lenzburg 2006

little Achilles with 9 weeks

                    Brave Achilles - 21 months old 

At Achilles´ face you can see very typically, why the Japanese Spitz were often called "Mini-Samoyed"...

Owner:  Anja Guldborg Nielsen   Henrik Guldhammer Nielsen (CH)


a little Gallery About "Achilles":

Achilles (8 weeks)

in his new home in Zürich - CH


my Mummy

first bath in Switzerland ...

A visit in Buchenberg

Akio and Achilles

Achilles is the uncle of little Felix
Games with Felix in Switzerland


Holidays in Buchenberg 2008

Brave Achilles ist fast 3 Jahre alt.


Achilles mit Isabella


Achilles spielt Verstecken


Achilles´ holidays in Buchenberg 2007


On 10. June 2007 Achilles went to holiday to his native country, where he comes from. He spended three weeks here in Germany with his Japanese Spitz-mum Dana and his two sisters Alpha and Sissi.

Sunday-evening he enjoyed his first meal after a long day on the fresh Allgäuer air, and he slept very well till to the morning.

              a fine dinner!

"Gwenda-mouse, where are you?"

In the beginning of his first day in Buchenberg we had a great walk through the forrest (together with his Spitz-family) and he is always looking very nice for himself where I am. The dogs spended a few crazy minutes on a little lake, before we went back to the car.

Most of the time Achilles is looking after the Japanese Spitz-girls -  specially Gwenda is his queen of heart .....

So I am sure that we will have a very nice time together!! Achilles says "Hello" to his dearly loved Mum and Dad on the way to Denmark and China! Have a good time and see you soon!         

On Tuesday-afternoon Anna always goes riding horses - so Achilles and Akio (the new boy-friends) came with us to the stables, and we had a very nice walk there ...  (You must always click into the photo to see more!!)  

"Dear Mummy and dear Daddy, I hope you can also enjoy much sunshine today!?"  Yours Sunnyboy Achilles

Achilles´ typical way of stretching!


Thursday (5. day):


Hi Mum and Dad, 

I am very well integrated now into my Allgäuer- Bergspitz-family! Our chief Elke told us, where everybodys place is in the herd, and it is not allowed to do more than "discussing" .... so we can stay, eat or play very relaxed together - that´s so nice! And Elke says, that I´m very good educated....

Today in the morning we had all together a great walk (about two hours) through the forrest in Buchenberg. After that we were very hungry and enjoyed breakfast in the garden! And now I´m going to sleep till Anna will come home from school!

Have fine days - see you soon!    

Yours good boy Achilles


Achilles with Famey in the garden.

Achilles loves the girls........also his sister Alpha is always very interesting for him!


On Saturday Achilles visited  MUNICH :-)   We had a very nice afternoon in the big park called "Hirschgarten", where he met also a lot of unknown dogs - a great experience for Achilles and his young friend Balto...

A really great park here in the town!

And we can smell many other dogs!

"Is it okay to go to the foreign dog?"

Saying "Hello"....


One more dog ....

... now we are four together!

No time to stay?... Good bye!

  My name is Achilles and yours? Ah, Lina.

What is that, here in the German park?

("Just married!")

"Daddy, are you sitting in the Rikscha??"

Oh, what a nice little girl....

"Hi, Baby......"

Time to say Goodbye...

Training hobby-artists - really exciting ...

what kind of people and dogs we can meet here!

Now we get tired after so much playing.

It could be a good idea to sit down, wait and see, who else will come ......

After drinking a lot of water (it was a fantastic hot summer-day today :-), we went home with the car, they enjoyed their dinner and then Achilles and Balto slept till to the next day...... dreaming about all their adventures!


Hi Mummy and Daddy, are you well? 

Good night says     Your Achilles


Dear "Grand-Mummy" in Denmark!


Happy Birthday !

And have a nice day with my Mummy!!


All the best wishes from yours Achilles 


It is really a hot, sunny day - but walking with the others is always very nice.....


Our walk in the morning of Tuesday, 26.June:

Please click into the photos to see the whole picture ....


The last evening of my holidays .....

..... "dancing" on the table :-))

29. June 2007:

Mummy and Daddy arrived in Buchenberg and Achilles is so happy!!! 

Let´s go home to Switzerland - after having exciting holidays with the Japanese-Spitz-family "von den Allgäuer Bergspitzen"!

The End

of the holiday-story 





A cinema-film  about the brave "Achilles"